Monday, May 04, 2009

Inner Workings of The mind OR is it?


There are times that I feel rather at odds with myself & even very much alone.. Darn it, But I continue to Blog on sporadic occasions... Not knowing if anyone even reads the contents & indeed the ramblings of a mad man....

There are familiar feelings in relation to the inner mind & how Bi-Polar effects daily living.. The moments where I sit & ask myself "Does anyone actually Listen to me"... To me there are two forms at work here... 1: The act of Listening... BUT yet not really hearing what is being said.. & 2: Is the act of Listening & thus Hearing what is being said...

These are mere rambling of mine as there are moments when one's mind becomes over whelmed with meaningless thoughts that thus adds pressure on how my daily thoughts & actions are carried out... These are the simple things that cause stress where it cannot be taken.. Having said this,

Until Next Time...

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